A New Year

I have decided to start the new year with an adaption of my favorite story. Many times, during my teaching career, I gifted a copy of this adaption, and a starfish necklace, to teachers I worked with, to remind them why we we do what we do.

A young boy was walking on the beach, he paused every so often, to pick up an object and throw it into the ocean. A man was watching the young boy. The boy came closer and the man said, “May I ask what you are doing?”

The young boy replied, “Throwing starfish into the ocean. The tide has washed them up onto the beach and they can’t return to the water by themselves. If they don’t get back into the water, they will die.” 

The man replied, “But there must be hundreds of starfish on this beach. I’m afraid you won’t be able to make much of a difference.”

The boy bent down, picked up another starfish and threw it as far as he could into the ocean. Then he turned and said, “It made a difference to that one!”

Adapted from The Star Thrower, by Loren Eiseley (1907 – 1977)

As I have stated many times, this blog started as a means to promote my books. Then it gradually, and authentically changed to be a means for me to post authentic ideas for teaching. So my blog about authentic teaching and learning is totally authentic! I didn’t plan for it to happen, it just did. And because I followed my interests and didn’t remain constrained by the original purpose of this blog, I have continued to grow as an educator, even in retirement.

Not only have I continued to grow as an educator, but I have been able to continue to make a difference in my own little way. Anyone who teaches, understands that we all want to make a difference, in our own little way. I know my blog does that. I get the biggest thrill to see all the different countries that people are from who read my blog. Wow, what a head trip!

Also, writing my books has allowed me to continue to make a difference. All of my books, children’s and adult, are written to educate. And, of course, being asked to write a book about The Jared Box Project – what an honor. Eyen, Tex, and I feel truly privileged that we were able to help spread the word about this amazing project.

So, I begin 2024 by thanking you for allowing me to indulge in my passions, and feel that I am continuing in my own little authentic way to make a small difference in the world.

As educators, it is easy to become overwhelmed with what we are tasked to accomplish.  So, remember the starfish story, try to make a difference, one starfish at a time…

Tex the Explorer and The Jared Box Project Wins Five Awards

Tex the Explorer and The Jared Box Project has won five book awards!

2023 Mom’s Choice Awards® Silver Recipient

2023 indieBRAG® Medallion Winner

2023 Royal Dragonfly Book Awards Winner

2023 Chanticleer International Book Awards Semi-Finalist

2024 Book Excellence Award Finalist

Eyen and I are so proud of this book and so honored that we were asked to help tell the story of The Jared Box Project.

Tex the Explorer and The Jared Box Project has been donated to The Jared Box Project by Ellie, Eyen, and Tex, and is available on Amazon.

Tex the Explorer and The Jared Box Project – Little Libraries

Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center, Penn State University


Next up at The Jared Box Project!

Have you heard about the book, Tex the Explorer and The Jared Box Project? It was written by Ellie Smith and illustrated by her former student, Eyen Johnson. It tells the sweet story of Jared Boxes.

We are on a mission to put a copy of our book in Little Libraries across the country. The book is available on Amazon.

If you put a copy of the book in a Little Library, please send us a photo! This will be a fun adventure!

Thank you!

The Jared Box Project

The Jared Box Project

Almost exactly a year ago, Eyen and I became involved with The Jared Box Project. Eyen and I both agree that this is why we started creating books together. We just didn’t know this when we started out on our book journey over seven years ago.

This blog is about teaching authentically. But I also feel that it is important to live authentically! To me, authenticity means make it real and make it count. Our books were already “real”, and we both felt they helped children learn to enjoy reading. Now writing a book for The Jared Box Project made what we are doing “count” even more. We are really making a difference in a positive way.

Eyen and I just attended the celebration for the Millionth Jared Box! Yes, over a million Jared Boxes have been made and distributed. The Jared Box Project is now in all 50 States and several other countries. Making Jared Boxes is a wonderful authentic community service project. It is easy, it is fun, and it truly makes a huge difference to those who receive them.

For more information about The Jared Box Project, go to thejaredbox.org.

Tex the Explorer and The Jared Box Project

Eyen and I are thrilled to announce the publication of our latest book, Tex the Explorer and The Jared Box Project.

Tex is a young T-Rex.  He loves to explore.  For his birthday, his parents gave him a scooter.
Tex is off to explore his neighborhood – or so he thought! This book tells the story of Tex and his introduction to The Jared Box Project.

The Jared Box Project was started in 2001 by the children of Our Lady of Victory School in State College, Pennsylvania, to honor their classmate and friend, Jared. Jared McMullen was a brave little boy who battled cancer. He carried a backpack full of toys and games to all of his appointments and questioned why the other children didn’t bring toys to their exam rooms. Jared shared his toys with the other children. He demonstrated faith, wisdom, and compassion for others.

For over 20 years, Jared Boxes have delivered countless smiles, laughter, and hope to children in hospitals across the country. Since then, more than one million Jared Boxes have been delivered to over 475 hospitals across the United States and in other countries.

The mission of The Jared Box Project is to entertain and put a smile on the faces of children in the hospital. A Jared Box is a “gift of play,” a plastic shoebox filled with small gifts, toys, cards, games, crayons, coloring books, and other fun activities.

The Jared Box Project is a “give local” project. Thousands of groups have made and delivered Jared Boxes to hospitals in their communities. Children and their parents are so thankful for these boxes that showcase the importance of play and are filled with well wishes, hope, and love. Join us. Make some Jared Boxes for the children in your local hospital. Bring on the smiles!

Tex the Explorer and The Jared Box Project is available on Amazon.

This book has been donated to the Jared Box Project By Ellie, Eyen, and Tex.

For more information visit TheJaredBox.org

Tex the Explorer: Journey to the Oceans

So proud of Tex the Explorer: Journey to the Oceans.
This book just won its seventh award! The book was inspired by my mother’s love of the oceans, so it is very appropriate that the first award it received was from Mom’s Choice Awards®.

2022 Mom’s Choice Awards® Silver Recipient
2022 Chanticleer International Book Awards Finalist
2022 Royal Dragonfly Book Awards Winner
2022 Story Monsters Approved®
2023 indieBRAG® Medallion Winner
2023 Independent Press Award® Distinguished Favorite
2023 Book Excellence Award Finalist

Available on Amazon.

Tex the Explorer – Journey to the Oceans is a Silver Recipient

Eyen and I are excited to announce that Tex the Explorer – Journey to the Oceans has been honored by Mom’s Choice Awards® as a Silver Recipient.

This book is available on Amazon.

Teaching Authentically – Start Small and…This is SO Cool!!

Early sketch for
Tex the Explorer
The Jared Box Project

Eyen and I are so honored to have been asked to write a book about The Jared Box Project. This is an amazing group that donated boxes of games, toys, etc to children in the hospital. They have donated over a million boxes to over 400 hospitals in the United States and also internationally.

As I have mentioned before, I started this blog as a way to get my books “out there” on the web. I had never even read a blog before, but the folks in my 55+ community told me I had to have a presence on the web for my books. Then the blog took on a life of its own and became a way for me to continue to promote authentic teaching and learning.

One of the concerns that teachers have is how to handle a huge authentic project on top of everything that they are already required to do. I can’t emphasize enough that you start small and take it from there. Many authentic projects are short, sweet, and accomplish their goal of engaging students without a lot of fuss. Some simply don’t work – time to move on. And some take over your life. The Martian Colony Project I worked on in 5th grade did just that. When that happens it actually becomes easier to incorporate your curriculum goals and objects as the project is so big you have everything happening right in front of you!

My books started as a deal I made with my illustrator, Eyen, to write a book together once he was an adult. We made this deal when he was in 5th grade. This was an authentic project that has engaged me and taught me so many things as an adult learner. I had no idea it would become this big. I had no idea we would publish five books together, with the Jared Box Book being number six – and more planned. I had no idea I would publish two books about teaching authentically with my principal, Peggy.
I had no idea I would write a blog – I had no idea what a blog was!

When I retired, I wanted to stay mentally active. I wanted to stay involved in promoting authentic learning. I wanted to continue to help others and volunteer. Oh, and I wanted to explore unique craft stores and boutiques.

Being involved in the authentic project of writing books with Peggy and Eyen has accomplished all of that – even the shopping part – explained below! I never planned for things to happen this way, but I payed attention to opportunity and walked through doors as they opened for me. I didn’t get up one morning and decide to write seven – and counting – books. I made a deal with a fifth grader over a decade ago, and here we are! A real authentic project with students should start just like that. Have a driving question or goal, start out small, pay attention to opportunity, see where it takes you.

So Eyen and I are now working on our book for the Jared Box Project. I am honestly overwhelmed by this opportunity, in a good way! I would have been overwhelmed in a bad way if this had been a goal of mine a decade ago, or if the opportunity had presented itself before now. But this had been a long a winding word to get to this point, full of so many amazing authentic teaching and learning experiences.

Eyen and I will be donating the book to The Jared Box Project, and we both feel blessed to have this opportunity. And I have become hooked and making Jared Boxes – hence the shopping part – so much fun.

Our goal is have the book out by the end of next summer. Stay tuned. And meanwhile, check out The Jared Box Project !

Tex the Explorer: Journey to the Oceans

Eyen and I are thrilled to announce the publication of our fifth book – Tex the Explorer: Journey to the Oceans.

Tex is a young T-Rex. He loves to explore. For his birthday his parents gave him a ship with a submarine. Tex is off to explore the oceans!

Available on Amazon.

Tex the Explorer – Journey Through Our Solar System is a Finalist!

Tex the Explorer – Journey Through Our Solar System is a Finalist in the Little Peeps Early Readers Category of the Chanticleer International Book Awards Contest. So proud of this book! Tex the Explorer – Journey Through Our Solar System is available on Amazon.